I’ve said it
before and I’ll say it again, the mind is your ultimate battleground.
It’s the space where the greatest and fiercest conflict resides. It’s
where half of the things you thought were going to happen, never
actually happened. It’s where your inner resistance buries you with
negativity. And, when you allow these thoughts to dwell in your mind,
they gradually succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, and ultimately your
life. You think yourself right into nervous breakdowns and bouts of
depression, time and again.
I know
because I’ve been there.
we’ve all been there at times.
But, what can
we learn from our trials? A whole lot!
There’s so
much about our lives—and our fate—we can’t control, it makes absolutely
no sense to focus all our energy on these things and then neglect
everything we CAN control. We can decide how we spend our time right
now, what we choose to focus on, and whom we share our energy with. We
can choose our words and the tone of voice in which we speak to
ourselves and others. We can decide what we will engage in, read and
study next. We can choose how we’re going to respond to challenging life
situations when they arise, and whether we will see them as curses or
opportunities for growth…
And most
importantly, we can choose our attitude, which influences pretty much
everything else.
Of course,
none of us are immune to occasional mood swings. But that doesn’t mean
we have to succumb to them. Whether your negative attitude is a common
occurrence or just a sporadic phenomenon, it’s critical for your
long-term happiness and success that you choose to recognize when your
mind is in the gutter, and then consciously make adjustments.
Here are some
hard things you need to hear and learn about your attitude (these are
the most common attitude issues we’ve seen plaguing our newest course
students over the years) and some tips to get you thinking straight
01. Your
attitude often reflects a certain level of self-centered
We all have
the tendency to put ourselves at the center, and see everything—every
event, conversation, circumstance, etc.—from the viewpoint of how it
relates to us and only us. And this can have all kinds of adverse
effects, from feeling hurt when other people are rude, to feeling sorry
for ourselves when things don’t go as planned, to doubting ourselves
when we aren’t perfect. Obviously, we are not really at the center of
everything. That’s not how the universe works. It just sometimes seems
that way to us. So, be sure to shift your focus when it makes sense.
When you catch yourself feeling like a singled-out victim, think about
other people you might help. Finding little ways to help others can snap
you out of your self-centeredness, and then you’re not wallowing in
self-pity anymore—you’re starting to think beyond yourself, for your own
02. Your
attitude is still greatly affected by old stories.
In the
present moment, we all have some kind of pain: anger, sadness,
frustration, disappointment, regret, etc. Notice this pain within
yourself, watch it closely and see that it’s caused by whatever story
you have in your head about what happened in the past (either in the
recent past or in the distant past). Your mind might insist that the
pain you feel is caused by what happened (not by the story in your head
about it), but what happened in the past is NOT happening right now.
It’s over. It has passed. The pain, however, is still happening right
now because of the story you’ve been subconsciously telling yourself
about that past incident. It’s simply a process of your thinking. Do
your best to see it for what it is.
03. Your
attitude often reflects your inner resistance to reality.
Most people
make themselves unhappy simply by finding it impossible to accept life
as it is presenting itself right now. Do your best to catch yourself. Be
mindful. When you accept the reality of the moment, regardless of how
painful, you allow yourself to grow and heal. Ultimately, happiness is
not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them. Imagine
all the wondrous things your mind might embrace if it weren’t wrapped so
tightly around your struggles. Always look at what you have, instead of
what you have lost. Because it’s not what the world takes away from you
that counts, it’s what you do with what you have left.
04. Your
attitude gets caught up in fearing and hiding from change.
Sometimes, no
matter how hard it is to admit, there are things in your life that
aren’t meant to stay. Change may not be what you want, but it’s always
exactly what’s happening. Earth does not stop spinning. And sometimes
saying goodbye is the hardest thing you will ever have to do. Or, saying
hello will make you more vulnerable and uncomfortable than you ever
imagined possible. At any given moment, change can seem almost too much
to bear. But, over the long run, change is ultimately the only thing
that allows you to learn and grow and succeed and smile again. So,
remind yourself that life gradually changes in each and every moment,
and so can YOU, for the better.
05. Your
attitude is affected by your passivity and procrastination.
So many of us
waste so much of our time and energy waiting for the ideal path to
appear. But it never does. Because we forget that paths are made by
walking, not waiting. We forget that we shouldn’t feel more confident
before we take the next step—that taking the next step is what builds
our confidence. And so, we hesitate, procrastinate, and ultimately
succumb to the same old routines that have been driving us nuts for far
too long. Truth be told, there are thousands of people who live their
entire lives on the default settings, never realizing they can customize
everything. Don’t be one of them! Don’t settle for the default settings
in life. Find your loves, your talents, your passions, and embrace them.
Don’t hide behind other people’s decisions. Don’t let others tell you
what you want. Design YOUR journey every step of the way! The life you
create from doing something that moves you is far better than the
attitude you get from sitting around wishing you were doing it.
06. Your
attitude reflects your aversion to discomfort.
Many of us
don’t want to be uncomfortable, so we run from discomfort constantly.
The problem with this is that, by running from discomfort, we are
constrained to partake in only the activities and opportunities within
our comfort zones. And since our comfort zones are relativity small, we
miss out on most of life’s greatest and healthiest experiences, and we
get stuck in a debilitating cycle. Let’s use diet and exercise as an
example… First, you become unhealthy because eating healthy food and
exercising feels uncomfortable, so you opt for comfort food and mindless
TV watching instead. But then, being unhealthy is also uncomfortable, so
you seek to distract yourself from the reality of your unhealthy body by
eating more unhealthy food and watching more unhealthy entertainment and
going to the mall to shop for things you don’t really want or need. And
your discomfort and attitude both get worse.
07. Your
attitude is often rooted in unrealistic ideals.
You aren’t
perfect. It’s OK. Despite what you keep hearing inside your head, you
can disappoint people and still be good enough. You can fail and still
be smart, capable and talented. You can let people down and still be
worthwhile and deserving of love and admiration. Everyone has
disappointed someone they care about at some point. Everyone messes up,
lets people down, and makes mistakes. Not because we’re all inadequate
or incompetent, but because we’re all imperfect and human. Expecting
anything different is setting yourself up for confusion and discontent.
08. Your
attitude easily defaults to self-contempt.
Next time you
catch yourself wallowing in self-contempt, remind yourself that you were
not born feeling this way. That at some point in the past some person or
experience sent you the message that something is wrong with you, and
you internalized this lie and accepted it as your truth. But that lie
isn’t yours to carry, and those judgments aren’t about you. And in the
same way you learned to think negatively of yourself, you can learn to
think new, positive and self-loving thoughts. You can learn to challenge
those false beliefs, strip away their power, and reclaim your
self-respect. It won’t be easy, and it won’t transpire overnight, but it
is possible. And it begins the moment you decide there has to be a
better way to live, and that you deserve to discover it. Make that
decision for yourself!
09. Your
attitude gets hung up on longstanding self-limiting beliefs.
Think about a
self-limiting belief you have—an area of your life where you believe you
are destined to remain stuck. It can be about any part of your life you
hope to change—your weight, your career, your relationships—anything at
all. What’s one thing you’ve essentially decided is a fact about your
position on Earth? And then I want you to shift gears and think about
ONE time, one fleeting moment, in which the opposite of that “fact” was
true for you. I don’t care how tiny of a victory it was, or even if it
was a partial victory. What’s one moment in time you can look back on
and say, “Hey, that was totally unlike ‘me,’ but I did it!”? Once you
identify the cracks in the wall of a self-limiting belief, you can start
attacking it. You can start taking steps forward every day that go
against it—positive daily rituals that create more tiny victories, more
confidence, gradual momentum, bigger victories, even more confidence,
and so on. (Note: Angel and I build positive daily rituals with our
students in the “Goals and Growth” module of the Getting Back to Happy
10. Your
attitude often reflects a lack of presence and self-awareness.
One of the
hardest challenges we face in life is to simply live in our own skin. To
just be right here, right now, regardless of where we are. Too often we
use compulsive work, compulsive exercise, compulsive love affairs, and
the like, to escape from ourselves and the realities of living. In fact,
many of us will go to great lengths to avoid the feeling of being alone
in an undistracted environment. Thus, we succumb to hanging-out with
just about anyone to avoid the feeling of solitude. For being alone
means dealing with our true feelings. Acknowledging this fact is the
first step to healing it. Begin right now by just noticing with
curiosity, and without judgment, all of the ways in which you avoid
being in your own skin, right here, right now, in this present moment we
call life.
11. Your
attitude has been bruised by inconsiderate people.
At some
point, we’ve all been walked on, used and forgotten. We’ve let people
take advantage of us, and we’ve accepted way less than we deserve. But
we shouldn’t regret one moment of it, because in those moments we’ve
learned a lot from our bad choices. We’ve learned who we can trust and
who we can’t. We’ve learned the meaning of friendship. We’ve learned how
to tell when people are lying and when they’re sincere. We’ve learned
how to be ourselves, and appreciate the truly great people and things in
our lives as they arrive. And even though there are some things we can
never recover and people who will never be sorry, we now know better for
next time. Remember this. None of the injustice you’ve experienced is
evidence of some fundamental flaw on your part. None of it makes you
unworthy. It all just means that some people aren’t very good at looking
beyond their own egocentric bubble. But the fact that you are—that
despite the darkness you feel, you have the ability to share your love
and light with others—is an incredible strength.
12. Your
attitude is often submissive and waits for validation from others
You won’t
always be a priority to others, and that’s why you have to be a priority
to yourself. Learn to respect yourself, take care of yourself, and
become your own support system. Your needs matter. Start meeting them.
Make your own happiness a priority. Don’t wait on others to choose you.
Choose yourself, right now! Breathe in. You are enough. You have enough.
You do enough. Breathe out… let go, and just live right now in the
moment with a self-validating, self-loving attitude. (Note: Angel and I
guide our readers though the process of self-validation in the Self-Love
chapter of our brand new book.)
Exercise — Attitude Reflection
If you’re
feeling up to it, I’d love for you to openly reflect on your attitude:
attitude issue mentioned above often gets the best of you?
Who would
you be, and what else might you see, if you shifted your attitude in
that area of your life?
In other
words, think carefully about that specific area of your life and what’s
been troubling your mind, and then visualize how your life would be
different if you made a positive shift in your attitude:
How would
it change your outlook on your present life situation?
Would you
treat yourself and others differently?
How would
you feel?
How would
you behave?
What else
might you be able to accomplish?