When I was a
high school freshman, a 260-pound freshman girl showed up for track and
field tryouts right alongside me. Her name was Sara, and she was only
there because her doctor said her health depended on it. But once she
scanned the crowd of students who were on the field, she turned around
and began walking away. Coach O’Leary saw her, jogged over, and turned
her back around.
“I’m not thin
enough for this sport!” Sara declared. “And I’ll never be! It’s
impossible for me to lose enough weight. I’ve tried.”
Coach O’Leary
nodded, and promised Sara that her body type wasn’t suited for her
current weight. “It’s suited for 220 pounds,” he said.
Sara looked
confused. “Most people tell me I need to lose 130 pounds,” she replied.
“But you think I only need to lose 40?”
Coach O’Leary
nodded again.
Sara started
off as a shot put competitor, but spent every single afternoon running
and training with the rest of the track team. She was very competitive,
and by the end of our freshman year she was down to 219 pounds. She also
won 2nd place in the countywide shot put tournament that year. Three
years later, during our senior year, she won 3rd place in the 10K run.
Her competitive weight at the time was 132 pounds.
There was a
time when Sara was convinced that it was impossible to lose weight
because, in her past experience, it had never worked out the way she had
hoped. She had completely lost faith in herself. But, with
consistency—with a daily ritual of trying again and again—she restored
her faith and achieved the “impossible.” And when Sara showed up to my
37th birthday (pool) party recently, I smiled when I overheard another
guest she just met compliment her on her bathing suit and physique.
Of course,
Sara still works really hard—she tries again—every single day to
maintain what she has achieved.
And, so do I…
I Lose Faith
Sometimes Too
Some people
get this idea about me, because I’m a New York Times bestselling author
who has spent the past decade writing and teaching people how to create
more success and happiness in their lives, that I don’t ever fall short
and fail miserably in these areas. But of course, I’m human, so that’s
not true at all. I fall short and fail at things much more than you
might imagine, and certainly far more than I’d often like to admit. And,
it feels just as horrible for me as it does for you or anyone else—I
absolutely lose faith in myself sometimes.
Deep down, of
course, I know these negative reactions aren’t helpful. So I own up to
what happened, learn a lesson or two, and then get back up and try
again. The final part is the most important part—the trying again…
I fail at
eating healthy and exercising sometimes, but I try again.
I fail at
loving myself sometimes, but I don’t give up on myself either, and
so I try again.
I fail at
being a great dad sometimes, especially when I get distracted with
stressful business endeavors, but I keep trying, and oftentimes I
invoke a fresh smile on my son’s face.
I even
failed at writing the article you’re reading now. I made an initial
attempt and scrapped it because it didn’t feel right. But I started
again, and now I’m done.
When I try
again and again, I often succeed, and feel much better about myself, in
the long run.
If there’s
only one thing you take away from this article, let it be that trying
again—giving yourself another chance every day—is always worth it.
What You Do
Again & Again Defines You
Many of the
most meaningful results you will ever achieve in your life—the
milestones, the relationships, the love, the lessons—come from the
little things you do repeatedly, every single day.
Regardless of
your unique talents, knowledge, and life circumstances, or how you
personally define success and happiness, you don’t suddenly become
successful and happy. You become successful and happy over time based on
your willingness to try again and again—to create little daily rituals
that amass little bits of progress, through thick and thin.
So, what do
your little daily rituals look like?
You really
have to sort this out, and get consistent with what’s right for you on a
daily basis! Because failure occurs in the same way. All your little
daily failures (those that you don’t learn and grow from) come together
and cause you to fail big. Think in terms of running a business…
You keep
failing to check the books.
You keep
failing to make the calls.
You keep
failing to listen to your customers.
You keep
failing to innovate.
You keep
failing to do the little things that need to be done.
Then one day
you wake up and your whole business has failed. It was all the little
things you did or didn’t do on a daily basis—your rituals—not just one
inexplicable, catastrophic event.
Now, think
about how this relates to your life: your life is your “business!”
yourself that the vast majority of the results in your life—positive and
negative alike—are the product of many small decisions made over time.
The little things you do today, and tomorrow, and the next day, matter!
Too often
people overestimate the significance of one big defining moment and
underestimate the value of making good decisions and small steps of
progress on a daily basis. Don’t be one of them!
Obvious but
Not Easy to Sustain
The concept
of taking it one day at a time, one step at a time, might seem
ridiculously obvious, but at some point we all get caught up in the
moment and find ourselves yearning for instant gratification. We want
what we want, and we want it now! And this yearning often tricks us into
taking on too much too soon. Angel and I have seen this transpire
hundreds of times over the years: a coaching client or course student
wants to achieve a big goal (or three) all at once, and can’t choose
just one or two daily rituals to focus on, so nothing worthwhile ever
gets done, and gradually they lose more and more faith in themselves.
Let this common mistake—this quick-fix mentality—be your wake-up call
You really
can’t lift a thousand pounds all at once, yet you can easily lift one
pound a thousand times. Small, repeated, incremental efforts will get
you there. It doesn’t happen in an instant, but it does happen a lot
faster than not getting there at all.
Do your best
to consciously shift your focus away from the big goals—the big
ideals—you want to achieve in your life and toward the little daily
rituals that support them. Consider the following…
If you’re
a competitive athlete, your goal is to win sports competitions. Your
ritual is the time you dedicate each day to training your body (and
If you’re
a university student, your goal is to learn and earn a degree. Your
ritual is your daily study habits.
If you’re
a parent, your goal is to be a great role model. Your ritual is the
time and energy you commit to setting a good example each day.
If you’re
a human being, your goal is to live a happy, meaningful life. Your
ritual is the small, positive steps forward you take every day.
Now consider
this small excerpt from our New York Times bestselling book: “If you
stopped focusing on one of your big goals for a while and instead
focused exclusively on your corresponding daily ritual, would you still
make progress? For example, if you were trying to lose weight and you
stopped thinking about your goal to lose twenty pounds, and instead
placed all of your focus on eating healthy and exercising each day,
would you still lose weight? Yes, without a doubt! Gradually you would
get closer to your goal—your target weight—without even thinking about
it again.”
And if you
mess up occasionally?
You own up to
it, you forgive yourself, and you try again.
One day at a
time, one step at a time, you get to…
Restore Faith
in Yourself
your faith in yourself is arguably the most significant hidden benefit
of consistently practicing a daily ritual—of trying again and again and
again. In fact, what I lacked before I learned to implement these kinds
of daily rituals was the faith that I was actually capable of achieving
the positive results I desired in my life. I had tried so many quick
fixes in the past that ended in failure, and had grown so discouraged in
myself, that I began subconsciously choosing procrastination over future
attempts to fulfill the little promises I made to myself—to learn, to
grow, and to make progress in various ways.
In essence, I
lost faith in both my ability and myself. It’s kind of like another
person constantly lying to you—eventually you stop trusting them. The
same holds true with the little promises you make to yourself that
always end in disappointment. Eventually, you stop trusting yourself.
And the
solution in most cases is the same too: you have to restore your faith
and trust gradually, with small promises, small steps (your daily
rituals), and small victories. Again, this process takes time, but it
happens if you stick to it. And it’s undoubtedly one of the most
important, life-changing things you can do for yourself.
(Note: Angel
and I build and customize tiny, life-changing daily rituals with our
students in the “Goals & Growth” module of the Getting Back to Happy
Now, it’s
your turn…
Don’t wish
away any more time waiting for better times ahead. Just appreciate where
you are and try again. If you faithfully take small steps day after day,
one day you’ll look back with gratitude for how far you’ve come.
And, if
you’re up to it right now, I’d love to know:
In what way
will you “try again” today? What small step forward can you take today,
that can be built upon tomorrow?
Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts.