Our character is often most evident at our highs and lows. Be humble at
the mountaintops, be strong in the valleys, and be faithful in between.
Why are we
feeling this way—so beaten up and worn down?
Why do we,
who start out so passionate, courageous, worthy and believing, become
utterly bankrupt by the youthful age of 30, 40 or 50?
Why is it
that one of us drowns in material consumption and debt, another
self-mutilates, a third seeks oblivion in hard liquor and gambling, a
fourth, in order to stifle fear and judgment, cynically tramples and
berates her own individuality, intelligence, and priceless youth?
Why is it
that, once fallen, we don’t attempt to rise back up? Or, having lost one
thing, why don’t we attempt to seek another?
Why? Why?
Because we
give up on ourselves too soon.
We let that
monster named negativity chew us up and spit us out into a mucky puddle
of self-doubt.
And we’ve all
been there at some point too. So, if you can relate right now, here are
some important reminders to keep handy…
When your
marriage, parenting, faith, etc. gets tough, it’s not a sign that you’re
doing it wrong. These intimate, intricate aspects of life are toughest
when you’re doing them right – when you’re dedicating time, having the
tough conversations, and making daily sacrifices.
particularly hard days when you feel that you can’t endure, remind
yourself that your track record for getting through hard days is 100% so
Have a little
faith that the universe has a plan for you, and it’s all being revealed
in the right time frame. Something you will eventually learn through all
your ups and downs is that there are really no wrong decisions in life,
just choices that will take your life down different paths. Sometimes
you must get hurt in order to grow, or lose in order to gain. Sometimes
the lesson you need most can only be learned through a little pain.
Pain is
inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Life is not about maintaining the status quo. Life is not about playing
it safe every second. Life is not about standing still and wallowing in
self-doubt. It’s about connecting with your soul, respecting your
integrity, and telling yourself that you’re able. It’s about taking a
few steps, regardless of how hard and small they may be, so you can move
forward and evolve. (Read Daring Greatly.)
You must make
a firm decision that you’re going to move forward. It won’t always
happen naturally or automatically. Sometimes you will have to rise up
and say, “I don’t care how hard this is. I don’t care how disappointed I
am. I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my
No matter
what’s happening, you CAN efficiently fight the battles of today. It’s
only when you add the battles of those two relentless eternities,
yesterday and tomorrow, that life gets overwhelmingly complicated.
Realize that it’s not the experience of today by itself that devastates
you, but the regret and resentment about something that happened
yesterday or the fear and dread of what tomorrow might bring. It’s
necessary, therefore, to let yourself live just one day at a time – just
today – just right here, right now.
When you stop worrying about what you can’t control, you have time to
change the things you can control. And that changes everything.
Don’t worry about mistakes and failures, worry about what you’re giving
up when you don’t even try.
mistakes means you’re actually DOING something in the real world and
learning from it. Listening or reading is often just listening or
reading. It’s not real learning. Real learning comes from making
mistakes. And mistakes come from gradual implementation.
If you never go after it again, you’ll never have it. If you never ask
again, the answer will always be no. If you never step forward again,
you’re stuck right where you are.
In the space
between “I’ll try again” and “I give up” there’s a lifetime. It’s the
difference between the path you walk and the one you leave behind; it’s
the gap between who you are capable of being and who you have become;
its the legroom for the fairy tales you’ll tell yourself in the future
about what could have been.
Everyone has
a little talent. What’s rare is the courage to follow it into the dark
places where it leads, and beyond. (Angel and I discuss this in detail
in the “Goals and Success” chapter of the brand NEW edition of 1,000
Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)
doesn’t always roar; sometimes it’s simply a whisper at the end of the
day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”
If you’re
still sitting there thinking, “Things should be different right now,”
take a deep breath. That’s not true and you know it. Because if it were
true, things would be different right now. Stay present and focus on
what you can create today. And tomorrow will reveal itself exactly as it
should, just as yesterday already has.
Now, it’s
your turn…
It’s your
turn to reinforce your better judgment.
All the love
and validation you need is yours to give yourself.
Let that sink
in. Then leverage the reminders above as needed to let it sink in even
Truth be
told, someday everything will make better sense. Unimaginably good
things will transpire in your life, even if things don’t turn out
exactly the way you anticipated. And you’ll look back at these past
times, smile, and ask yourself, “How did I get through all of that?”
So take a
deep breath right now. And another…