Your needs matter. Don’t ignore them. Sometimes you have to do what’s
best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.
A life spent
ceaselessly trying to please people who are perhaps incapable of ever
being pleased, or trying too hard to always be seen as doing “what’s
expected of you,” is a sure road to a regretful existence. Marc and I
were on this road once, but I’m happy to say we’re paving our own path
now based on our own needs, morals and values. And today I hope to
inspire you to do the same…
Do more than
just exist. We all exist. The question is: Do you live?
Marc and I
eventually realized existing without ever truly living was not what we
wanted for ourselves. So we made changes – we gradually embraced the
points discussed in this article and never looked back. If you are in
the same place we once were – seeking approval from everyone for every
little thing you do – please take this post to heart and start making
changes today. Life is too short not to.
First and
foremost, you are not obligated to live up to everyone’s expectations. –
Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect. And you are under
no obligation to give others what they expect. Period. Do things because
you care. Do things because you know it’s right. Don’t just do things
because everyone else expects you to.
just get in the way of great life experiences. – Don’t let expectations
(especially other people’s expectations) get in your way. Truth be told,
the unexpected is often better than the expected. Our entire lives can
be described in one sentence: It didn’t go as planned, and that’s OK.
You don’t
need others to hold your hand every step of the way. – Be willing to go
alone sometimes. You don’t need permission to grow. Not everyone who
started with you will finish with you. And that’s OK. (Read The Road
Less Traveled.)
You get to learn from your mistakes without unnecessary third-party
pressure. – You’re going to mess up sometimes. But the good news is, as
long as you’re listening to your intuition, you get to decide how you’re
going to mess up. Which means you get to decide how you’re going to live
and what you’re going to learn along the way.
No one knows
you better than you know yourself. – How you seem to others and how you
actually are, rarely match. Even if they get the basic gist of who you
are, they’re still missing a big piece of the puzzle. What other people
think of you will rarely contain the whole truth, which is fine. So if
someone forms an opinion of you based on superficialities, then it’s up
to them, not you, to reform those opinions. Leave it to them to worry
about. You know who you are and what’s best for you.
Only YOU can
define what’s possible for you and your life. – Some people will kill
you over time if you let them; and how they’ll kill you is with tiny,
harmless phrases like, “Be realistic.” When this happens, close your
ears and listen to your inner voice instead. Remember that real success
in life isn’t what others see, but how you feel. It’s living your truth
and doing what makes you feel alive.
In the end,
happiness is simply living your life your own way. – There comes a time
when your back is up against the wall and you realize all you can do is
say, “Screw it, I’m doing things my way!” That’s the earth-shattering
moment you stop planning for someone else’s expectations, and start
making progress on what’s truly important to YOU. That’s when you begin
to live life according to your own morals and values. That’s when you
can finally be at your happiest.
You can best
serve yourself and others by giving yourself what YOU need. – Don’t ask
yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive,
and pursue it at all costs. That’s what this world needs – people like
YOU who come alive. Which means your needs matter; so don’t ignore them.
Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not just
what seems best on the surface for everyone else.
Rather than
being confined by opinions, you need to create your own reality. – If
J.K. Rowling stopped after being rejected by multiple publishers for
years, there would be no Harry Potter. If Howard Schultz gave up after
being turned down by banks 200+ times, there would be no Starbucks. If
Walt Disney quit too soon after his theme park concept was trashed by
300+ investors, there would be no Disney World. One thing is for sure:
If you give too much power to the opinions of others, you will become
their prisoner. So never let someone’s opinion define your reality.
(Read Daring Greatly.)
You need to
allow yourself the freedom to speak your truth. – Yes, speak your truth
even if your voice shakes. Be cordial and reasonable, of course, but
don’t tread carefully on every word you say. Push your concerns of what
others might think aside. Let the consequences of doing so unravel
naturally. What you’ll find is that most of the time no one will be
offended or irritated at all. And if they do get upset, it’s likely only
because you’ve started behaving in a way that makes them feel they have
less power over you. Think about it. Why lie?
The wrong people should not be able to tamper with your standards. –
Remember, failed relationships aren’t designed to encourage you to lower
your standards, but to raise them and keep them up. So while you’re out
there making decisions instead of excuses, learning new things, and
getting closer and closer to your goals, know that there are others out
there, like me, who admire your efforts and are striving for greatness
too. Bottom line: Don’t let the wrong people bring you down.
The haters
can have less of an effect on you. – Don’t worry about the haters, ever.
Don’t let them get to you. They’re just upset because the truth you know
contradicts the lies they live. Period.
individuality can be openly celebrated and enjoyed. – Constantly seeking
approval means you’re perpetually worried that others are forming
negative judgments of you. This steals the fun, ingenuity, and
spontaneity from your life. Flip the switch on this habit. If you’re
lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everybody
else, don’t be ashamed and don’t change. Uniqueness is priceless. In
this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, find the
courage to keep being your remarkable self. It takes a lot of courage to
stand alone, but it’s worth it. Being unapologetically YOU is worth it!
There can
very easily be less drama to deal with on a daily basis. – Forgo the
drama. Ignore the negativity around you. Just be sincere and kind, and
promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
You can
create more time to socialize with the right people. – When you’re
feeling insecure, you typically don’t notice the hundreds of people
around you who accept you just the way you are. All you notice are the
few who don’t. Don’t ever forget your worth. Spend time with those who
value you. No matter how good you are to people, there will always be
negative minds out there who criticize you. Smile, ignore them, and
carry on. You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you
are priceless to another.
relationships are not governed by one-sided expectations. – When it
comes to your relationships, don’t keep everything you need to say to
yourself. Let it out. Express your point of view. Communication is not
just an important part of a relationship, communication is the
relationship. Communicate even when it’s uncomfortable and uneasy. One
of the best ways to heal and grow a relationship is simply getting
everything on the inside out in the open. Compromise. That’s how good
people make great things happen together.
You can be
YOUR best, without competing with everyone else. – When you are happy to
simply do your best and not compare or compete, everyone worth your
while will respect you. Here’s some healthy food for thought: Always… Be
strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be humble, but not timid.
Be proud, but not arrogant. Be bold, but not a bully. (Marc and I
discuss these concepts in more detail in the “Relationships” chapter of
the brand NEW edition of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do
You are not
obligated to anyone more so than you are to yourself. – Your
relationship with yourself is the closest and most important
relationship you will ever have. So don’t forget about YOU out there,
and don’t be too hard on yourself either. There are plenty of others
willing to do both for you. And remember, if you don’t take good care of
yourself, then you can’t take good care of others either; which is why
taking care of yourself is the best selfish thing you can do.
Now, it’s
your turn…
Yes, it’s
your turn to give up trying to live up to people’s expectations
All the love
and validation you need is yours to give yourself.
Let that sink
in. Then leverage the reminders above as needed to let it sink in even