Kids must be taught how to think, not what to think.
Today our
son, Mac, started Kindergarten. The experience of dropping him off for
his very first day of school struck so many emotions in me. As every
parent of a school-age child can attest, the very first day of school is
a learning experience in and of itself. It’s one of those little
milestones you anticipate and always remember.
Anyway, I
awoke this morning thinking about the whole experience—of childhood,
parenthood, and everything in between—and two thoughts immediately came
to mind:
How in
the world did Angel and I suddenly become parents to a
kindergartner? Whoa! Time flies!
There are
so many things I want to tell Mac as soon as possible, before he’s
in high school with his friends and too cool to hear my little
nuggets of wisdom. And before Angel and I go from “mommy and daddy
who both know best” to “mom and dad who couldn’t possibly
So in no
particular order, here are 40 things I intend to tell him and his little
friends, repeatedly, over the next several years:
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Don’t base your attitude on how things are. Choose your attitude so it
supports and expresses the way you wish to be. Frustration and stress
come from the way you respond and react, not the circumstance
themselves. Adjust your attitude, and the frustration and stress is
What you
experience starts with your perception.
In almost every case, nothing is stopping you… nothing is holding you
back but your own thoughts about yourself and “how life is.” Your
perception creates your beliefs. And your beliefs create your behaviors.
And your behaviors produce your experience.
Let go of the need to complain about life.
Spend your moments actually living its beauty. Change the phrase “have
to” to “get to.” So many things we complain about are things others wish
they had the chance to do.
Positivity always pays off.
Your thoughts do not end when you finish thinking them. They continue to
echo through your life. Choose wisely and intentionally. Be outrageously
and unreasonably positive. Be funny and creative and ridiculous and
joyful all at the same time. Smile as often as possible. A smile
actually changes the vibe of your body. It alters, physiologically, the
chemistry of your being. It will make you feel better and do better.
Negativity just shortens your life.
Before you waste it on anger, resentment, spite or envy, always think of
how precious and irreplaceable your time is.
Worry is the biggest enemy of the present moment.
It does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing
absolutely nothing at all. When you spend time worrying, you’re simply
using your imagination to create things you don’t want. (Read The Power
of Now.)
Don’t run away from things; run toward them.
The best way to move away from something negative is to move toward
something positive.
Nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing.
There’s a benefit and a blessing hidden in the folds of every experience
and every outcome.
Gratitude helps every situation.
How can you transform suffering into joy, and struggle into peace?
GRATITUDE. Start being grateful for all the problems you do NOT have.
Everything is
falling together perfectly, even though it looks as if some things are
falling apart.
Trust in life’s process. Happiness is allowing yourself to be perfectly
OK with what is, rather than wishing for and worrying about what is not.
When life is “falling apart,” things could actually be falling together…
maybe for the first time.
Change is necessary.
Change is the process of life itself. In fact, everything is changing
every second of our lives. However good or bad the situation is now, it
will change. That’s one thing you can count on. So never assume that
you’re stuck with the way things are. Life changes, and so can you. Take
a breath of fresh air. The past is long gone. Focus on what you can do,
not on what you could have or should have done.
You are
capable of handling far more than you think.
Accept each moment, without judgment or anxiety. Remind yourself that
all is well, and that you can handle whatever comes along.
If you’re
having problems, that’s good.
It means you’re making progress. The only people with no problems are
the ones doing nothing.
It takes just
as much energy to waste your time as it does to use it wisely.
It is far better to be exhausted from lots of effort and learning, than
to be tired of doing absolutely nothing.
There’s a big
difference between being busy and being productive.
Don’t confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but
never makes any forward progress.
You can’t achieve what you do not attempt.
Everything you achieve comes from something you attempt. Everything!
Make the attempt. The path between wanting and having is doing.
The right
thing and the easy thing are rarely the same thing.
Do what matters, not just what is convenient. Do what is fulfilling, not
just what is easy. When faced with a choice, choose the path that
strengthens you. Choose to learn, choose to grow, choose to more fully
become who you are.
You can’t be
your best without first being yourself.
Be highly effective by being highly authentic. Take a moment to pause
and remember who you are and what you stand for. Take a moment to
reflect on the ideas and principles that have real and lasting meaning
in your life.
Meaningful work is important.
You are at your best when you are moving toward a meaningful, positive
and ambitious goal. So never follow goals you’re reluctant to pursue.
Find ones that will keep you awake at night with excitement.
realign yourself with your highest priorities.
If you’re being pulled in every direction by forces beyond your control,
take time to realign yourself with what you value most in life. What is
important in your life is what you decide is important, and this
decision will ultimately create who you are. (Angel and I discuss this
in detail in the “Passion & Growth” chapter of the NEW volume of 1,000
Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)
Set your
sights high.
Make your dreams big, exciting and undeniable. They’re the ones that
will push you forward. Whatever is beyond your reach right now will not
always be beyond your reach. Keep going.
happen every day.
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting
a miracle is the surest way to get one.
If you’re
going to do something, do it with enthusiasm and devotion.
Hold nothing back… In life. Or love. Or business. Or anything at all.
Every morning, ask yourself what is really important and then have the
courage to build your day around your answer.
effort pays.
An attitude of “whatever is convenient” won’t accomplish much, ever. An
attitude of “whatever it takes” is impossible to stop. So remember,
effort does not cost you – it pays. What you invest in effort is never
wasted. Sincere, focused effort always brings something of value – an
outcome that teaches you what the next step is.
What you are
capable of achieving is heavily based on how much you want it.
When it means enough to you, then you can do it. When you are willing
and committed and persistent, you will get yourself there, every time.
You can
always take a small step in the direction of your dreams.
There is absolutely nothing about your present situation that prevents
you from following your dreams, one step at a time. Use each setback,
each disappointment as a cue to push on ahead with more determination
than ever before.
Set time
aside to celebrate your progress at least once a month.
Look at how far you’ve come. You have made progress. And now, imagine
how far you can go.
people’s opinions don’t have to be your reality.
Let the opinions of others inform you, don’t let them limit you. Learn
to value yourself and what you stand for. Allow yourself to be yourself.
If you don’t want what the world says you should want, have the courage
to say so.
Break the
rules sometimes.
Don’t break the law, but break the rules. If all you are doing is
following someone else’s rules, then you have not grown, you have only
You alone,
get to choose what matters and what doesn’t.
The meaning of everything in your life is the meaning you give it.
Listen to
your intuition.
When something feels right, that means it is right for you. When
something feels wrong, that means it is wrong for you. Pay attention to
your authentic feelings, and follow where they lead.
Own and
embrace your imperfections.
Because once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against
you. (Read The Gifts of Imperfection.)
Every mistake
is a step forward.
You cannot make a mistake; you can only make a decision that will be
your next best step.
Every day is a clean slate.
Don’t you dare give up on Today because of the way things looked
Yesterday. Don’t even think about it. Every day is a new day to try
No moment is
wasted when you live it with presence and purpose.
Value and enjoy the journey, even when there are detours along the way.
Appreciate every moment, whatever each moment may bring. From the
genuine appreciation of these little moments will come a remarkable
everyone, especially yourself, with kindness and respect.
Treat yourself as the most important person in the world, and treat
others as you treat yourself. Do not miss a single chance – not one
single opportunity – to tell someone how wonderful they are, how
beautiful they are inside and out. Live so that people will enjoy your
presence when they’re with you, and appreciate you just as much or even
more when they’re apart from you.
important apologies you never received.
If you love someone and you want to forgive them, relieve them of the
need to apologize to you, for anything.
True love is
Love lets go. Let go of expectation, let go of requirements and rules
and regulations that you would impose on your loved ones. The gift of
pure love allows you to bless others and accept them without condition,
granting them freedom to make their own choices.
Everyone you
meet can teach you something important.
In fact, the people who are the most difficult to deal with can also be
your most valuable teachers.
No matter how
much you know, there’s a whole lot you don’t know.
In almost every situation, a little more willingness to acknowledge that
there may be something you do not know could change everything. Go
somewhere new, and countless opportunities suddenly appear. Do something
differently, and all sorts of great new possibilities spring up. Keep an
open mind.
Above all, I
think the best thing we can do for our kids as they grow is to allow
them to do things for themselves, allow them to be strong and
responsible, allow them the freedom to experience things on their own
terms, allow them to take the bus or the train and learn from life
firsthand… allow them to be better people, allow them to believe more in
Your turn…
What would
you add to the list?
What else do
you want to tell your kids before they’re “too cool” to hear your