You are not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even
yesterday. You are always growing… stronger!
life slams us in the gut, dealing us such a devastating blow it
literally takes our breath away.
A pandemic
hits, a loved one gets ill, we lose a breadwinning job, someone we know
dies, money gets tight, feelings of depression and despondency overwhelm
our better judgment… everything just seems to be going wrong.
So, what can
we do when the world around us shatters, and we can’t seem to pick up
the pieces?
The times
when things are falling apart are precisely the best times to practice
presence and mindfulness. These are the times we’re always preparing
for, in a way, when we pray, meditate, self-reflect, and generally
invest in our personal growth during the good times.
Truth be
told, when the world seems to be crumbling, there is immense
opportunity. But we must be willing to do some tough things. We must be
willing to change our perspective and our response.
First, let’s
practice laying a solid foundation…
Be patient
with the pain you feel. Don’t hide from it, don’t rush to cover it
up or fix it immediately. Just start by acknowledging its presence and
facing it with courage.
challenge yourself to sit quietly with what you are feeling for a full
minute, with compassion and gentleness. Be at peace with the source of
your pain—find the braveness to just sit with it like you would with a
close friend who’s hurting. Practice this a few times a day, whenever
you feel the pulse of your pain surging. And notice when your mind wants
to run, hide or rebel. When this happens, take a deep breath, re-center
yourself, and begin again.
you will see clearly that what you feel is just a feeling, and that you
can stay with what you feel without the world ending. You will see that
you are in control of your feelings, and not the other way around. And
you will begin to take them less seriously, hold them lightly, and give
them some much-needed space in your worried brain.
When the
world is shattering, this is the time to practice.
Right Now is Tough
Of course,
I’m certainly not downplaying the real nature of our present
circumstances with COVID-19. The virus is still spreading around the
world right now, and we are all facing a very difficult reality. These
are not “good times.” I’m not suggesting we should rejoice at living
though this disappointing and painful life experience. But it is
absolutely prudent to consider the impact this event is having on our
collective behavior.
So, let’s
build off the foundation we just set above. Let’s look at some tough yet
necessary things we can do for ourselves right now to ease our pain and
experience a little more happiness in the days and weeks ahead…
1. Be fully
present in each moment.
Life is not
lived in some distant, imagined land of someday where everything is
perfect. It is lived here and now, with the reality of the way things
are. Yes, by all means you can hope for and work toward an idealized
tomorrow. Yet to do so, you must successfully deal with the world as it
is today.
we avoid experiencing exactly where we are because we have developed a
belief, based on past experiences, that it is not where we should be or
want to be. But the truth is, where you are now is exactly where you
need to be to get to where you want to go tomorrow. So practice
appreciating where you are.
Your family
members are too beautiful to ignore. Call them. Text them. Take a moment
to remember how fortunate you are to be breathing. Take a look around,
with your eyes earnestly open to the possibilities. Much of what you
fear does not exist in the space around you. Much of what you love is
closer than you realize. You are just one brief thought away from
understanding the blessing that is your life.
yourself that happiness is a mindset that can only be designed into the
present. It’s not a point in the future or a moment from the past,
and yet this misconception hurts the masses more often than we realize.
So many young people seem to think all their happiness awaits them in
the years ahead, while so many older people believe their best moments
are behind them. COVID-19 is only exacerbating these kinds of mindsets
right now. Don’t let it get the best of you.
2. Bring
gratitude and passion into the little things.
Over the
years, Angel and I have guided hundreds of friends, course students and
Think Better, Live Better conference attendees through a process of
finding sincere gratitude and passion in tough times—a process of
stepping forward gracefully, no matter what…
A couple
short years ago, on the second to last day of her life, a friend of
mine, who I was coaching daily, told me her only regret was that she
didn’t appreciate every year with the same passion and purpose that she
had in the last two years of her life, after she was diagnosed with
terminal cancer. “I’ve accomplished so much recently—so much inner
growth—and truly appreciated every moment of it,” she said. “If I had
only known, I would have started sooner.”
Her words
made me cry and smile at the same time. What was truly miraculous was
seeing the genuine gratitude in her eyes at that moment. She was
immensely grateful for actually being able to accomplish the little
things she had accomplished in her final two years. And her sentiment
has always remained with me, and sits at the top of my mind right now.
While I agree that dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic is disheartening,
and that it can be very painful and debilitating for some people, the
pain for most of us can still be mediated by a sense of gratitude and
passion for being alive. For still having a chance to do the little
things that bring us joy. For still having a life worth living, from
moment to precious moment.
you’re doing it right when you have so much to cry and complain about,
but you prefer to breathe deep and appreciate your life instead.
Because there is always, always, always something to be thankful for and
some reason to take another step forward. Just invest your heart and
soul into whatever you have right in front of you. Bring gratitude and
passion into otherwise ordinary moments…
What if you
woke up tomorrow with only the little things you were thankful for and
passionate about today?
3. Be
consistent with healthy daily rituals.
About a
decade ago, when I was intensely focused on weight lifting and physical
strength training, I gradually learned that you can’t be truly committed
to anything worthwhile if you have a weak mind that’s unwilling to do
tough things. To combat this, I wrote two simple questions on two
different post-it notes and stuck one on my bathroom mirror and the
other inside my gym locker:
How many
daily workouts have you missed because your mind, not your body,
told you that you were too tired?
How many
daily workout reps have you skipped because your mind, not your
body, said, “Nine reps is enough. Don’t worry about the tenth”?
To this day,
the answer to both questions is surely hundreds for most people,
including myself. Weakness of the mind can easily get the best of us,
especially when the going gets tough. And the only way to fix this
weakness is daily practice.
Far too often
we think inner strength is all about how we respond to extremely dire
circumstances, like actively coping with Covid-19: Can we keep our lives
together even after suffering from a major illness, or losing our
There’s no
doubt that extremely dire circumstances test our bravery, determination
and inner strength, but what about less dire, daily circumstances?
Perhaps just passively coping with Covid-19 from a distance, when it’s
not directly and personally debilitating us.
What we
need to remember is that the mind needs to be exercised to gain
strength. It needs to be worked consistently in healthy ways to grow
strong. If you refuse to push yourself forward a little bit every
day, of course you will feel completely stuck when the going gets tough.
But you don’t
have to feel that way right now…
Choose to do
some sit-ups in your bedroom every morning when it would be easier to
sleep in. Choose to do the ten reps when it would be easier to quit at
nine. Choose to create something special (like a new journal entry,
drawing, or family highlight video) when it would be easier to consume
something mediocre on TikTok or Instagram. Choose to send loving texts
to family and friends when it would be easier to watch another show on
Netflix. Prove to yourself, in dozens of little ways over the next
few weeks, that you have the discipline to get in the ring and wrestle
with life.
strength is always built through lots of small, daily victories. It’s
the individual choices we make day-to-day that build our “inner strength
muscles.” We all want this kind of strength, especially in tough times,
but we can’t simply think our way to it. If you want it, you have to do
something about it ritualistically. It’s your positive daily rituals
that prove your mental fortitude and move you in a positive direction.
The bottom
line is that as times get tougher over the next few weeks, many people
will find something easy to do—they will find an easy distraction. But
when things get tougher for YOU, you can join Angel and me, and find a
way to stay on track with your healthy daily rituals. 🙂 (Note: Angel
and I build positive, life-changing rituals with our students in the
“Goals and Growth” module of the Getting Back to Happy course.)
Now, it’s
your turn…
you’re feeling up to it, we would love to hear from YOU.
Which point
discussed above resonates with you the most today?
Anything else
to share?