Too often people overestimate the significance of one big defining
moment and underestimate the value of making good decisions and tiny
steps of progress on a daily basis.
probably familiar with what’s known as the Serenity Prayer. It goes like
God, grant me
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change
the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
There’s an
important lesson here—one that’s very often glossed over…
When a
chaotic reality is swirling around us, we often try to relieve our
anxiety by exerting our will over external things we cannot control.
It helps us
stave off one of the most dreaded feelings: complete powerlessness.
With that in
mind, I have good news and bad news.
The bad news
is that generally speaking, almost everything is outside your control.
What other people do, whether it will rain tomorrow, whether or not your
efforts will be appreciated—all of these outcomes depend on factors that
aren’t YOU.
But that’s
also the good news.
The friction
and frustration created by trying to change things you cannot change is
the crucible where a ton of unhappiness is born. Accepting that most
things are outside your influence gives you explicit permission to let
them unfold as they may.
philosopher Epictetus put it this way:
“Some things
are in our control and others not. Things in our control are opinion,
pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever are our own actions.
Things not in our control are body, property, reputation, command, and,
in one word, whatever are not our actions.”
the “three big un’s” that so many of us struggle with daily—unhappiness,
unconvinced things will ever change, unsure what to do next—begins with
understanding what you can control and what you cannot.
The mental
shift here is not easy. Most of us have spent a lifetime worrying about
things that we can’t control. Society practically encourages this. For
most, it’s a bona fide habit—one that should be replaced with a healthy
understanding of how much we can actually change. Again though, it’s
hard to get your mind wrapped around all this when you’re constantly
“Why don’t
you just get over it?” or “Just let it go.”
We’ve all
heard some flavor of this advice before. And it passes the sniff test,
to a certain extent.
I mean, “time
heals all wounds,” right? Well, yes… sort of. But wounds heal
differently depending on how they’re treated.
Left alone, a
gash in your skin will leave a large scar and be vulnerable to injury
again in the future. This is why we get stitches—it helps the wound heal
in a way that limits the chance of re-injury down the road.
wounds work the same way. Given enough time, most emotional pain will
diminish—that’s true. But…
Just “Getting
Over It” Leaves Scars
In the
emotional sense, scars equal baggage—baggage we carry with us into every
aspect of our lives. These scars grow and accumulate until one day you
wake up suffering from one or more of the “three un’s” (unhappiness,
unconvinced things will ever change, unsure what to do next).
So, don’t get
over it. Go through it, one step at a time.
Honestly, I
understand the desire to “get over” difficult experiences or situations
rather than facing them. Revisiting painful memories or facing our
present demons is really, really hard. And we as human beings are
hard-wired to not cause ourselves pain.
However, as
our parents taught us, ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away.
And in
addition to the scars, to ignore or downplay a wound puts you at risk
for infection, emotionally as well as physically.
issues in your life take up residence in your mind and influence your
decisions, your relationships, and your attitudes. They rob you of your
happiness and potential.
Of course,
doing the hard yet necessary things to resolve your issues and heal your
wounds can feel impossible. This is how Angel and I felt a decade ago
when we were knocked down and stuck in a rut after simultaneously losing
two loved ones—including Angel’s dear brother—to suicide and illness. It
was nearly impossible to move anywhere significant when we didn’t feel
we had the strength to push forward.
So, if you’re
feeling this way now—like it’s impossible to make significant progress
today—you aren’t wrong for feeling what you feel. In many cases, you’re
right: significant progress comes gradually with time and consistency.
It’s all about taking one tiny positive step at a time, and staying the
The Power of
Tiny Changes
Think about
the fact that it only takes a one degree change in temperature to
convert water to vapor, or ice to water. It’s such a tiny change—just
one step in a different direction—and yet the results are dramatic. A
tiny change can make all the difference in the world.
Now, consider
another example where a tiny change is compounded by time and distance.
Perhaps you’re trying to travel somewhere specific, but you’re off
course by just one tiny degree in the wrong direction…
After one
mile, you would be off course by over 92 feet.
If you
were trying to travel from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., you
would land near Baltimore, Maryland, over 42 miles away from your
desired destination.
around the world from Washington, D.C. back to Washington D.C.,
you’d miss by 435 miles and end up landing near Boston instead.
In a
spaceship traveling to the moon, a one-degree error would have you
missing the moon by over 4,100 miles.
You get the
idea—over time and distance, a mere one-degree change in course makes a
significant difference…
This same
philosophy holds true in various aspects of our lives. The tiniest
things we do each day—positive and negative alike—can make all the
difference. They either bring us closer or farther away from where we
ultimately want to be. And yet, we mostly ignore this reality. We
default to behaving as if our daily actions won’t ever be significant
enough. Or, again, we try to exert control over the bigger things we
have no control over.
Think about
How many
people uphold unhealthy and unproductive habits?
How many
people procrastinate on the next positive step?
How many
people live every day of their lives moving one degree away from
where they ultimately want to be?
Don’t be one
of them anymore!
Truth be
told, everyone travels 24 hours a day, whether they’re moving in the
right direction or not.
How much
richer would your life be if you committed yourself to making just one
degree of effort to improve something about your situation each day?
And even
though it will surely be harder than doing nothing, it doesn’t even have
to be anything that hard. You just need to muster up the courage to
break free from the status quo and take one tiny step forward today, and
then do it again tomorrow.
something tiny and productive to improve upon, and then make it a daily
Doing so will
make all the difference in the world, just a few short weeks down the