
My Purpose And My Why

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As a follower of Jesus my purpose is two-fold; to try to be more like Jesus; and to build the Kingdom of God.

The first part is a personal journey of prayer, reading the Bible, surrender to God, obedience to Him and so on.

The second part is recognizing that for some reason God has decided to use human beings to do his work on earth. In my opinion, building the Kingdom of God means doing anything that God would do if he hadn’t decided to leave the work to us. This includes:

• Fighting injustice and oppression;
• Helping the poor and marginalized;
• Supporting mission;
• Serving others;
• Helping people in need;
• Building God’s church (i.e. people); and so on.

Clearly one person can’t do all of these things simultaneously, which is why each of us has different gifts, abilities and passions. You will find you gravitate towards the things you care about. We are all wired differently and this is how God sets about to achieve his purpose through us. If everyone on earth fulfilled God’s purpose for their life, the world would be the perfect place it was created to be. Unfortunately most people do not seek God’s purpose, let alone live it.

I find myself drawn more towards helping those in need. For this reason I financially support Amnesty International, Greenpeace and World Vision for example. The first two are secular organizations and do not include God in their vision or mission, but in my opinion they are doing (at least most of the time) God’s work on earth. I believe every person is made to fulfill a higher purpose than improving their own life. Regardless of your beliefs about God, you need to find your purpose. We can only be truly content if we find our true purpose in life and live that life.


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