
The Future You

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The way you are now is NOT the way you are going to be in the future.

I want you to visualize the way you want to be and the person you want to be in the future.

Choose one of these timeframes:

5 years
10 years
20 years
30 years

Remember to include health and fitness, wealth, income, status, achievements, influence, family, friends and spirituality.

In the space provided write a few notes about the future you. Make sure it is the “dream” you with only positive, affirming images. Perhaps now is a good time to go back and review the notes you have made while reading this book. Who is the “you” of your dreams?

The “dream” you described above should be a perfect match with your personal goals for the same time period. If not, you need to either review your goals or your list above.

Assuming the two are now aligned, all of your primary focus needs to be on this “dream” you for every day and every week and every year until this state is attained. Remember this is not a selfish focus because the “dream” you is giving, loving and contributing. The dream you is confident, strong and supportive. The you of the future is going to be able to give far more to your family, friends, faith and community.

I have talked a lot in this book about how to achieve your goals. But I want to add a powerful psychological tool:

Act The Future You

This is a very simple but very powerful tool to help you get where you want to go. Simply start acting now the way you will act when you get there.

• Say you want to be a senior business executive in five years.
• Say you want to be a fashion designer in three years.
• Say you want to be a youth worker in two years.
• Say you want to be a free lance photographer in three years.
• Say you want to own a large real estate franchise in ten years.

Decide who and what you want to be in the future and start modelling the behaviour of people in that position now. Dress that way, talk that way, think that way, act that way – right now. Read the same books, attend the same conferences, join the same online forums etc.

This will have three powerful impacts:

First, your personal psychology will start to become what you want to become. Your mind will build the required bridges and links, and you will start noticing relevant situations and important facts that will build upon each other and lead you closer to your destination.

Second, the law of attraction will start to manifest itself by bringing the right people and information and opportunities to you.

Third, people will start noticing that you have the attitude and characteristics of the person you plan to be. This will make them treat you like the person you want to be, which will in turn build upon itself as a virtuous circle.

While there are many behaviours you can model, one of the most powerful is your appearance. After all you immediately create a first impression with your appearance. In fact you make an impression on yourself with your appearance. Whenever you look in the mirror you see you. Make sure it is the future you that you are looking at. Your haircut, your clothing, your shoes, your personal grooming, your watch, your shoes – all have a huge impact.

Action Step 7:

Make a list of the characteristics of the Future You. Start modelling as many of these characteristics as you can.

Write them here:



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