
Continual Self Improvement

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Continual self improvement is what life is all about. If you are not growing, you are dying. This is a universal principle that applies to every living organism. It is the reason many successful people still feel dissatisfied. You cannot stop and bask in your past achievements, you always have to grow.

Critical Principle 6: If you are not growing, you are dying.

We have never “made it” or achieved all of our goals. We must always strive to be better human beings – achieving more at a higher level, and contributing more to make the world a better place. One of the best ways to continually improve yourself is to surround yourself with people who have already achieved what you want to achieve. Of course you can’t always have direct access to these people, but you can usually access their story, their books, and often their course material.

I used to shun motivational books, seminars, MP3s, DVD, online videos and CDs. I think it was partly pride and partly stubborn independence. But, since I’ve taken time out to listen to what knowledgeable and motivating people have to say, I have gained a huge amount of knowledge and a lot of good tips. Without doubt the cost of every book, seminar and CD has been paid back to me 100 times over by the things I have learned. Sometimes you only pick up one or two new ideas or tips. But this new knowledge can unlock doors of huge opportunity.

First of course you have to make time to read books, attend seminars or listen to motivational CDs. Then you have to give yourself time to think about what you have learned and put it into action. One of my goals is to read one motivational book every week. A motivational book is any book that can inspire you to get closer to the lifestyle you want. I especially like autobiographies of successful people. They make you feel that you can be successful too. I also like books on subjects I am passionate about.

Seminars can be similar although they are usually more about acquiring knowledge. The same goes for DVDs and CDs. They can be hugely motivating.

Find books, seminars and CDs by successful people in areas you are passionate about. You will never regret the time you spend on them. You will generally find you become more focussed and more enthusiastic about the things you are aiming for.

There are hundreds of great motivational books, audios, DVD etc. Go to Amazon and start browsing!

Seminars are great for motivation and ideas. However, you have to be careful. For example, many seminars on property investment are just platforms for the organizers to sell you their properties or their software or whatever. Avoid these like the plague. The best seminars are by internationally renowned and successful speakers. They usually cost quite a lot but it is money worth spending.


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