
Defining Your Perfect Lifestyle

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Imagine the way you want your life to be in five years time:

• More Money?

• More Time?

• Excellent Health?

• More Fun?

• More Love?

• More Connection?

• Better Relationships?

• More Intimacy?

• Less Work?

• Less Stress?

• Less Uncertainty?

• More Passion?

• More Energy?

• More Creativity?

• More Freedom?

• More Joy?

• More Abundance?

Add your own desires to the list:

• ------------------------------------

• ------------------------------------

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This book is all about taking you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Only you can decide what your Perfect Lifestyle will be, and only you can plan for it and make it happen. You need to realize that you can and will have the lifestyle you choose. Often we have been taught to react to what life throws at us rather than to be proactive and make life happen the way we want it to. Most of us have been socialized and educated to believe we cannot break out of what society and our peer group says is the norm. For this reason when we read a statement like:

“I can have any lifestyle I choose.”

- We don’t believe it. If this is your reaction I recommend putting this statement in a prominent place on your wall or on a card by your bed and repeat it aloud two to three times a day.

This will re-program your mind to accept that you can achieve your Perfect Lifestyle. What usually holds us back the most is our own beliefs about what we can achieve. There literally is no limit to what your life can be. Anyone can plan to have a great lifestyle. I wish I had read a book like this when I was a teenager. But whatever your age, today is the day to start planning for a better life.

What lifestyle do you want?

Everyone is different, and no one can tell you what your Perfect Lifestyle can be. Sure, use your friends, your parents and your colleagues as a sounding board, but don’t allow anyone to narrow your focus or undermine your dreams.

First, you have to dream. You probably already daydream about how you would like to live. If not, allow yourself to dream and dream big dreams. Having big dreams and big plans is crucial when you are getting ready to create your Perfect Lifestyle. If you plan for a mediocre and just-get-by lifestyle, that is what you will achieve. If you have a huge and passionate plan, you will almost certainly achieve a huge and passion- filled lifestyle. Don’t follow the crowd or allow yourself to be squeezed into a mould that has been made for you by others’ expectations.

Here are two quotes I love:

“If you never dream, you can never have a dream come true.” - Anonymous

“Your dreams are your real job.” - Joyce Spizer

A Note of Caution

Lives that achieve greatness always require sacrifice. Think about anyone who has made a huge positive impact on the world. Their life involved sacrifice.

Examples include:

Mother Teresa Martin Luther King Gandhi

A friend of mine wrote me this recently:

Melanae grew up in Karlsruhe a beautiful city in southern Germany. It is located in one of the richest parts of southern Europe only a short drive from Switzerland. The city is full of quaint cafes and castles, and it is surrounded by beautiful vineyards and the Black Forest. When I first met her she had a successful career and a great social life, but she was bored and lacked vision or purpose.

Now Melanae lives in "Crackland", a desperate urban hell in Sao Paulo, a vast city of 20 million people in Brazil. Crackland got its name from the many street children that live on its mean streets who are addicted to crack cocaine. One time when I was there, I saw a child that looked to be only 5 or 6 years old smoking crack curled up in a little ball on the filthy street.

Melanie now goes out with a team every week looking to rescue as many kids as she can. She shows God’s love to these lost street kids, giving them medical attention, food and a safe place to sleep. When I saw Melanae after she had been working in Sao Paulo for almost two years, she was transformed. She has never looked more beautiful, so happy, so full of purpose and meaning. She has never been so alive because she has found her mission and her destiny.

Because the steps to creating a fantastic lifestyle are generic, you can use this book to create whatever lifestyle you choose. However if you choose to create a lifestyle that is built around getting more for yourself and not contributing, you risk missing out on what is most important: contentment, peace, abundance and love.

While you set about creating your Perfect Lifestyle, think about the ways you can use your talents and passions to make the world a better place. Remember that the people who achieve most usually make the biggest sacrifices.

"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness." - Napoleon Hill

Dreaming Big

When it comes to planning your Perfect Lifestyle, it is too easy to fall into the trap of thinking small and dreaming small. This is a serious mistake. Remember you are about to plan the life of your dreams. This is not a time to be conservative or shy.

This is the time to be imagining the best possible life for yourself and those around you.

Here are some examples of small dreams and big dreams:

Dreaming Small

To have a debt free house.

To travel business class.

To help the homeless in my neighbourhood.

To own my own business.

To give $5,000 a year to charity.

To have happy healthy children.

To have 80% of my present income when I retire.

To have a steady career.

To be happy to wait until something better comes along.

To do the best I can in my job and support aid organizations with any excess cash.

Dreaming Big

To have a beautiful, large debt free house with an acre of land and stables, right by the sea.

To own my own jet.

To help the homeless in the whole country.

To own my own business and earn $200,000 a year within four years and never work weekends.

To give $100,000 a year to charity

To have happy healthy children who achieve great things and leave a positive mark on the world.

To retire at 45 with a passive income of over $500,000 per year.

To be the best person in my organization and to continually think about and suggest ways of improving what we do.

To achieve my dreams by actively looking and trying new things.

To do whatever I can to make the world a better place and eradicate hunger and poverty in the poorest places in the world.


One of the most important parts of this book is the following questionnaire. If you are serious about creating your Perfect Lifestyle, I recommend you complete this section. The questionnaire is only for your benefit. The answers will help you define your goals in order to perfect your lifestyle.


1. What score out of 10 would you give your life today if a score of 10 means that you have achieved your perfect life?


(If your score is 4 or below you need a radical lifestyle change.)

2. What would need to change in your life for you to be able to get a score of 10?



3. What three things do you most want to achieve in the next year?



4. What three things do you most want to achieve in your life?



5. Imagine yourself at 85 years old looking back on your life. What sort of life would you like to be looking back on? Adventure? Success? Prosperity? Joy? Health?



6. In ten years from now, what annual income would you like (remember to dream big)?

$ _____________________________________________________________________

7. If you had a lot more time and a lot more money than you needed, what would you like to do to help others and make the world a better place?


8. What steps could you take right now (TODAY) to take you towards what you have written down for points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (New job? More education? Making investments? Learning a language? Setting goals?)




Action Step 1:

Read back over your answers and make notes in the space below on thoughts that have come to mind while you completed the questionnaire. If it has been a long time since you thought about the direction of your life, these thoughts and ideas will be invaluable in the weeks to come.


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