
Love 17 Deadliest Decisions You Can Make

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WHEN THE DEEPEST part of you becomes engaged in what you are doing, when what you do serves both yourself and others, you are living life the way it is meant to be lived. But it‟s easy to get off track. Sometimes it‟s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. Here are some seemingly small but damaging decisions to avoid on your journey forward:

1. Not loving what is

Love what you do, until you can do what you love. Love where you are, until you can be where you love. Love the people you are with, until you can be with the people you love most. This is the way we find happiness.

2. Waiting and waiting and waiting

Good things don‟t come to those who wait. Good things come to those who pursue the goals and dreams they believe in. “Coulda, woulda, shoulda .. Stop it! Don‟t blame your past for what you don‟t have. Instead, look at your present. Ask yourself, “What can I do now that will bring me closer to where I want to be?”

3. Changing who you are because others have changed

People change. Accept it. Wish them well. Be happy anyway. If you‟re being true to yourself and it isn‟t enough for the people around you, change the people around you.

4. Letting heartache define you

Don‟t allow your temporary wounds to permanently transform you into someone you aren't. A strong person is not the one who doesn't cry. A strong person is the one who cries openly for a moment, and then gets up and fights again for what they believe in.

5. Running away from problems

It doesn't matter who you used to be; what matters is who you are today. What you do today can improve all of your tomorrows. So don‟t run; instead, do something that creates positive change.

6. Being ungrateful

Even in the most peaceful surroundings, the ungrateful heart finds trouble. Even in the most troublesome surroundings, the grateful heart finds peace. Choose to see the world through grateful eyes; it will never look the same again.

7. Allowing long-term anger to occupy your heart

The best medicine is a strong dose of love, laughter, and letting go. Don‟t allow even a tiny bit of anger to live in your heart.

8. Believing that beauty looks a certain way

We‟re taught to believe that miniature waists and perfect tans are beautiful. But the truth is that originality is beautiful: Your voice, your laugh, and your personality. Every inch of you that shines with your unique essence. You‟re truly beautiful, just like the rest of us.

9. Letting your expectations run rampant

Everyone has their own challenges, everyone has their own journey. It is meaningless to compare one with the other. Always love and accept the real people in front of you, not the fantasy of who you hope and wish these people could become.

10. Disrespecting others

No matter what happens in life, be good to the people around you. If you do, you‟ll leave a great legacy behind regardless of the dreams and ideals you choose to pursue.

11. Disrespecting yourself

Being kind to yourself in thoughts, words, and actions is just as important as being kind to others. The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving others, and forgetting that you are special too.

12. Letting your expectations of others overwhelm you

Don‟t lower your standards, but do remember that removing your expectations of others is the best way to avoid being disappointed by them. The truth is, others won‟t always do for us what we do for them.

13. Rushing love

Don‟t settle. Find someone who isn't afraid to admit they miss you. Someone who knows you‟re not perfect, but treats you as you are. One who gives their heart completely. Someone who says, “I love you,” and then shows it. Find someone who wouldn't mind waking up with you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles and grey hair, and falling in love with you all over again.

14. Neglecting your most important relationships

Relationships built on a foundation of love and respect can weather many storms. This foundation can be checked, maintained, and kept healthy with generous doses of acceptance, forgiveness, listening, gratitude, and considerate actions.

15. Trying to control every last detail about everything

Sometimes it‟s better not to assume, not to wonder, not to imagine, and not to obsess. Just breathe, do what you can, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

16. Never taking risks

Life is inherently risky. There is only one risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing. Get out there and make something happen, even if it's just a small step in the right direction.

17. Giving up on you

No matter how many times you break down, there is a little voice inside you that says, “You‟re not done yet! Get back up!” That‟s the voice of passion and courage. You are well equipped for the journey of life as long as you tap into your talents and gifts, and allow them to flourish.



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