
12 Ways To Get A Second Change In Life

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WE ALL NEED second chances. This isn't a perfect world. We‟re probably on our one thousandth second chance right now and we are not ashamed to admit it. Because even though we have failed a lot, it means we have tried a lot too.

The only difference between an opportunity and an obstacle is attitude. Getting a second chance in life is about giving yourself the opportunity to grow beyond your past failures. Here‟s how:

1. Let go of the past.

Every difficult moment in our lives is accompanied by an opportunity for personal growth and creativity. But in order to attain this growth and creativity, we must first learn to let go of the past. We must recognize that difficulties pass like everything else in life. And once they pass, all we‟re left with are our unique experiences and the lessons required to make a better attempt next time.

2. Identify the lesson.

Everything is a life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything you encounter. Never forget to acknowledge the lesson, especially when things don‟t go your way. If you don‟t get a job you wanted or a relationship doesn't work, something better is out there waiting. And the lesson you just learned is the first step toward it.

3. Lose the negative attitude.

Negative thinking creates negative results. Positive thinking creates positive results. Every one of the suggestions in this book is irrelevant if your mind is stuck in the gutter. Positive thinking is at the heart of every great success story. The mind must believe it can do something before it is capable of actually doing it.

4. Accept accountability for your current situation.

You are the only one who can directly control the outcome of your life. And no, it won‟t always be easy. Everyone faces a maze of obstacles. You must accept accountability for your situation and overcome the obstacles. Choosing not to is giving up on the life you were meant to create.

5. Focus on the things you can change.

Some forces are out of your control. Do the best you can with the resources you have. Wasting your time, talent, and emotional energy on things that are beyond your control is a recipe for frustration, misery, and stagnation. Invest your energy in the things you can change.

6. Figure out what you really want.

You‟ll be running on a hamster wheel forever if you never decide where you want to go. Some of us were born to be musicians, or poets, or entrepreneurs. Don‟t quit just because you didn't get it right on your first shot. And don‟t waste your life fulfilling someone else‟s dreams and desires. Follow your intuition and make a decision to never give up on who you are capable of becoming.

7. Eliminate the nonessential.

First, identify the essential—the things in your life that matter most to you. Then eliminate the fluff. This drastically simplifies things and leaves you with a clean slate—a fresh, solid foundation to build upon without needless interference. This process works with any aspect of your life-work projects, relationships, general to- do lists, and more.

Remember, you can‟t accomplish anything if you‟re trying to accomplish everything. Concentrate on the essential. Get rid of the rest.

8. Be specific.

When you set new goals for yourself, try to be as specific as possible. “I want to lose twenty pounds” is a goal you can aim to achieve. “I want to lose weight” is not. And be specific with your actions too. “I will exercise” is too vague to be actionable. "I will take a thirty-minute jog every weekday at six p.m.” is something you can actually do—something you can build a routine around—and something you can measure.

9. Concentrate on doing instead of not doing.

“Don't think about eating that chocolate donut!” What are you thinking about now? Eating that chocolate donut, right? Instead of concentrating on eliminating bad habits, concentrate on creating good ones (that just happen to replace the bad ones). Soon you'll start doing the right thing without even thinking about it.

10. Create a daily routine.

It‟s so simple, but creating a daily routine for yourself can change your life. The most productive routines, we've found, come at the start and end of the day. That means develop a routine for when you wake up, for when you first start working, for when you finish your work, and for the hour or two before you go to sleep. Doing so will help you focus on the important stuff, instead of the distractions that keep popping up. And most important, it will help you make steady progress—which is what second chances are all about.

11. Maintain self-control and work on it for real.

If you want a real second chance, you've got to be willing to give it all you've got. This means you have to strengthen and maintain your self- control. Start with just one activity and make a plan for how you will deal with troubles when they arise. For instance, if you‟re trying to lose weight, come up with a list of healthful snacks you can eat when you get the craving for snacks. It will be hard in the beginning, but it will get easier. And that‟s the whole point. As your strength grows, you can take on bigger challenges.

12. Forget about impressing people.

So many people buy things they don't need with money they don‟t have to impress people they don't know. Don‟t be one of these people. Just keep doing what you know is right. And if you don't reach your goal, adjust your approach and try again. You'll get there eventually.


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